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Drawing Realistic Textures in Pencil
Book By: J.D. Hillberry

My Rating:

This wonderful book, written by pencil artist J.D. Hillberry, features many of his own drawings. He is well know for his unique and photo-realistic drawings. Many artists do not share their techniques, but in this book you can read step by step how he creates his amazing art work. He shows how he uses a combination of graphite and charcoal to draw objects that look real enough to fool the viewer.

This book is ideal for beginners as well, because he shares a wealth of general drawing information. He tells you the supplies you need to get started, how to render proper tonal values, and how light affects texture. He has a whole chapter crammed full of tips and techniques so you can use your supplies properly. He shares how to keep your drawings clean, how to blend and combine graphite and charcoal, how to hold your pencil, and more.

Next, he moves on to the step by step demonstrations of how to draw realistic objects. These demonstrations are very detailed, even telling the precise grades of graphite and charcoal he used. You get to see the drawings form first sketch to finished artwork.

First he demonstrates how to draw metal. There are two examples included: one for old, pitted metal, and one for reflective metal. Other objects he covers are glass, wood, leather, clothing, and fur. The drawing of each of these materials is seen from start to finish, in one or two drawing demonstrations.

J.D. Hillberry also covers drawing people. He shows the entire process he uses to create a realistic drawing of a person. He goes into detail explaining how to realistically render individual facial features. You will learn how to draw textures and features of the human body such as skin, eyes, and hair.

I highly recommend that you add this book to your library. Not only does it provide valuable information, but it is also just plain fun to look at. It is great to flip through and see how this great artist creates his work. How nice that he wrote this book to give everyone else a chance to take advantage of his experience. His methods can be applied to any drawing. If you want to create realism in your pencil drawings, this book will help you do it.


In the next review. . .


Learn about the book Drawing People: How to Portray the Clothed Figure by Barbara Bradley.


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